Make A One Time
When you can help, we appreciate donations in any denomination,
no matter how small.
Make A Monthly
Giving monthly is helpful because we have a better idea what dollars we have to work with and what programs we can put in place.
Sponsor A Deaf Child
Because there is no real public education for deaf children, the cost of attending even our school requires funding so that donations and sponsoring a specific child ensures they can attend school. You can choose a sponsorship duration donation interval options.
Sponsor A Teacher
Sponsoring a Deaf Teacher
who teaches at our Deaf School will help pay their salary, and help them be self-sufficient.
Sponsor A Mission
Worker's Trip
Young people grow and become more spiritual when they experience mission work and see the challenges others face in our world. Helping a student go on a mission trip allows them to do good work on your behalf.
There Are
Several Ways to
We are often asked why there are
so many deaf individuals in Haiti.
The answer is simple –
devastating poverty.
With deep poverty comes no doctors or any form of health care services. So when a child or adult spikes a fever with no medical care or way of lowering the fever, deafness often results. They are left in a country with no programs for the deaf, leaving them isolated with little chance to support themselves.
How can you help?
The easiest thing you can do with this important Ministry that serves the Deaf in Northwest Hait
is to donate. Even a small amount can go a long way because of the deep levels of poverty in this northernmost region of Haiti.
Donations can be made easily and safely through our PayPal. If you would prefer to send a check,
please make checks payable (and send) to:
Northwest Haiti Deaf Ministries
P.O. Box 22037
Lexington, KY 40522
Northwest Haiti Deaf Ministries is a 501(c)(3) approved non-profit organization, and all mission workers and Board Members are non-paid volunteers.
Everything you give will go directly to support ministries
and programs that help the Deaf in Northwest Haiti.
If you would like to have a more personal level of understanding of how your donations help, consider sponsoring a deaf child and watch them grow
and learn over time.